We're back! Next SGTI and Kings and Queens Workshop will be December 7th at Barnes and Noble on Sharon road. Girls only from 1-2pm and boys and girls from 2-3pm. Register early! Prepare for the Grade Championships, and have some fun!
Weekly meetings with guest speakers. The girls were fortunate to hear stories about being scientists, social workers, doctors, nurses, college students, museum coordinators, and strong women with both careers and families. Thank you, everyone, for participating in our first Southern Girls Take Initiative chess group! We will host another one in fall.
SGTI has taken off! We have had 16 girls in attendance so far in our two groups, younger and older. At our first meeting, we discussed qualities of good chess players, including patience, perserverance, confidence, ability, knowledge, and focus. Each week we have a guest speaker as well! The speaker talks about her life or job and we find the relationship to chess! Here is the puzzle from week one: do you know your pins and skewers? Black to move traps the queen with Rh1! White has no good moves...
Save these dates: June 12, 19, 26, July 3, 10, 31, August 7. Email if you would like to join our group!