OTCB was created in 2008
Here's what we were up to a few years ago...
Parents or Any Adult Who Would Like to Play Chess in a Social Setting...see flyer, right.
For Women Only...
For Girls Only...
Women Wine and Chess on Wednesdays! Meets at Whole Foods on Fairview and Sharon road in the Wine Loft. Join us! Chess lessons for all skill levels, including beginners. $10/lesson and play. Meets every Wed evening from 8:30-10pm starting 5/14/14.
Email Jessica: jprescott@overthechessboard.com
SGTI: Southern Girls Take Initiative Summer Camp returns! We will offer lessons, play time, and guest speakers.
We meet the following weeks this summer. You may come to ANY lessons that fit your schedule, but of course the idea is to come to as many as possible to encourage new friendships and because the knowledge is often foundational.
EMAIL REGISTRATION: jprescott@overthechessboard.com and pay at the site.
MEET AT: Barnes and Noble, 4020 Sharon Road, in the cafe.
TIME: 3-4:30pm
Southern Girls Regional Championships on May 3 was a delightful and intense tournament - all around success! Wonderful guest speakers, Roz Katz and Tori Watley provided insight and advice for the young ladies participating. Elena and Jessica saw the year-long project to fruition and were thrilled to give away a grand prize to co-Champions Veronica Skoczek (Charlotte, NC) and Zoe Justice (Lithia Springs, GA). The girls split the $500 cash college scholarship evenly after a nail-biting draw with king, rook and pawn. A total of 34 girls participated from all over the southeast. Complete article up soon, check back!
Thanks to Dominique Myers for TDing and Marjorie Hyde for helping with everything and PDS for hosting. Also, thanks to all the parents who drove your daughters to this event and supported them in their endeavours with chess.
RESULTS are now officially posted on uschess.org - CLICK HERE!
Co-Champions in Championship: Veronica and Zoe (see above)
1st place in U1000: Hrishika Roychoudhury
1st place in U500: Julia Brighton
1st place in Unrated: Imani Ethridge
1st place team Championship: Whitefield (GA)
1st place u1000: Metrolina Regional Scholar's Academy (Charlotte)
1st place u500: Myers Park Traditional (Charlotte)
1st place Unrated: Providence Day School
Stick with it, kids! These are my students from many moons ago. I taught them the fundamentals (they were 3rd graders), and motivated them to keep going. Now, High School National Champions!
We had enormous success with our partnership with Charlotte Film Lab and Charlotte Film Society! We held a chess event at the reception to *Computer Chess* - and taught, among others, the father of the director (Andrew Bujalski), how to play. Thanks also to the Bechtler Museum for hosting!
We appreciate all the support for the Southern Girls Regional Championship.
UPDATES as of March 12, 2014:
Girls Regionals on May 3rd registration is up! Click here now! Interested in sponsoring or donating? Contact Elena: (704) 840-5622
I'm publishing a chess book in July: My First Chess Book -- a book of activitives for kids, mostly beginners-USCF 1000. This book is designed as a non-didactic, self-discovery activity-only type of book. It's very different from anything you might see now on the market - and even different from how I'm used to teaching (at the front, with a demo, showing a position, having kids recite, etc.). Check it out!Book signing at BN - Dates TBD.
Southern Girls Take Initiative Summer Club: Meets Wednesdays at BN, 4020 Sharon Rd, from 3pm-4pm. Exact dates TBA shortly. Interested in guest speaking? Email Jessica: jprescott@overthechessboard.com
Summer Camp at Providence Day School in July - sign up here!
11 children participated in the Feb. 8 workshop - we analyzed a game and learned about discovery tactics, why not to move your f-pawn, and played a few games with people we didn't know. Thanks for coming!
Punctual round times, 54 participants, 21 schools from more than just Mecklenburg county represented, a k-1-only section, and a full three tables of middle schoolers, kids from PD who aren't even in chess club, lots of prizes, done by one pm or earlier for the littles, only a small amount of crying and kvetching, overall very happy kiddos...all around we just had a very successful 3rd Annual Kings and Queens Championship! Thanks to everyone for supporting chess by bringing your children and telling your friends. We'll do it again next year! All participants winning two points in the gr. 2-5 section received a colored chess knight eraser or pencil!
In the k-1 Vishy section all children received a ribbon for participating, and in addition:
1st place: from MRSA, undefeated with 3 points, Arjun Rawal, winning a trophy!
2nd place: from Barringer, also undefeated with 2.5, Noelle Brighton, winning an engraved medal!
3rd place: from PDS, with 2 points and winning on tiebreaks, Jason Zawtocki, winning an engraved medal!
Also tying with 2 points: Leo LeMaisonett, a PRE-K kiddo, wow! And Isabelle Darwin from MPTS. Nice job k-1 kids!
In the 2-5 Magnus section we had this gigantic 4-way tie. I thought it might be more exciting and more accurate to break the tie via a blitz playoff! Shockingly, the top two tied their blitz game with a king and rook pawn theoretical draw! I was more than pleased with their play, and if I could have cut the trophy in half reasonably I would have. The second game was decisive:
1st place: from PDS, Field Crumley, winning a trophy!
2nd place: from MPTS, Harrison Cole, winning an engraved medal, and what a great show, Harrison, fantastic job!
3rd place: from PDS, Pearce Phillips, winning an engraved medal!
4th place: from Barringer, Mahesh Padhi, winning a medal!
The Team Trophy went to PDS who also had the most number of players, as sometimes happens at home-team games!
Honorable Mentions and small prizes were given to all players with 2 points:
Caroline Darwin, MPTS
Karthik Dundigalla, Elizabeth
Antonio LeMaisonett, Olde Providence
Chappadi, Bhavana, Hawk Ridge
Katherine Elizabeth Ma, St Patrick
Maya Ravenell, McAlpine
Julia Brighton, Barringer
Sasank Pagadala, Hawk Ridge
Ryan Ma, St Patrick
Dash Jones, PDS
Saveley Lopez, Rama
Charles Petty, St Patrick
Really impressive group--and I'm thrilled to see so many different
schools come together.
The 6-12 Yifan section was led, as often is the case, by the Chuang brothers:
1st place: Austin Chuang, from PDS, winning a trophy!
2nd place: Jaiden Chuang, from PDS, winning an engraved medal!
3rd place: Spence Bradley, from AG, winning an engraved medal!
4th place tie and winning on tiebreaks: Robert Cole, from AG, winning a medal!
Congratulations also to Malika Rawal, from MRSA, who tied for 4th place.
Pictures coming soon! Do you have any to share? jprescott@overthechessboard.com
Now, time to prep for States--join us at BN in Southpark for a lesson and a match on Feb. 8th!
Great to see everyone; thanks for coming!

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We are hosting the Southern Girls Regional Chess Championships--all southern and southeastern states invited--May 3rd, 2014!!!
Updated pdf flyer available -- calendar of events for Winter. Click here.
Register for the KQ Championships at PD now! Tournament Jan. 25! Early registration discount extended to Friday, Jan. 24th at 6pm!!

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